What Happened to the Six Million 2020 Voters?

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In Brief
uSpiked's Editor, Mark Thomas explores the perplexing disappearance of six million voters who supported Joe Biden in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, as revealed by the results of the 2024 election.- While Joe Biden secured a record-breaking 81 million votes in 2020, Kamala Harris, his successor as the Democratic nominee, received only 74.9 million votes in 2024, despite a growing voter base and an expensive campaign.
- Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s vote count increased by three million compared to 2020.
- Finally Thomas examines potential explanations, including voter apathy, disillusionment, and natural voter attrition, but finds these insufficient to explain the massive shortfall.
For four tumultuous years, the United States bore witness to the 45th President’s unyielding refusal to accept the results of the election he lost. From my vantage point at the southernmost tip of Africa, the chaotic spectacle of Donald Trump’s tenure, from 2017 to 2020, was a masterclass in destructive governance—a wrecking ball obliterating all that did not serve his whims.
By 2020, my initial support for Trump had crumbled, replaced by a fervent hope that the American electorate had learned its lesson. My belief in their judgment prompted me to champion Kamala Harris as the 2024 election loomed. While my endorsement, penned passionately in October 2024, was intended for publication on uSpiked, a technical calamity led me to post it on X instead.
The election results, however, defied reason. Despite overwhelming resources—a billion-dollar campaign war chest, an extensive grassroots network, and unparalleled momentum—Harris lost to Trump. Post-election, media and pundits offered myriad explanations for this stunning turn of events, but none satisfactorily unravelled the enigma.
Determined to seek clarity, uSpiked consulted experts in data science, statistics, and political theory. The findings, however, compel us to confront an uncomfortable reality: the 2024 election results may inadvertently lend credence to Trump’s contested claims about the 2020 election. Was the so-called "Big Lie" masking an even bigger truth?
Consider the numbers. In 2020, Joe Biden garnered a record-breaking 81,282,916 votes to Trump’s 74,223,369—a difference of over seven million. Logic dictates that the 2024 election should have started with these figures as a baseline, especially given the steady increase in registered voters—146 million in 2012, 157 million in 2016, and 168 million in 2020. But the 2024 results tell a perplexing story: Trump surged to 77,193,105 votes, while Harris languished at 74,898,009. Where did the six million more voters who supported Biden in 2020 go?
Some explanations have been proffered. Sociologists point to potential voter apathy, disillusionment with the Biden administration, or the natural attrition of voters due to death or relocation. But none of these factors adequately account for such a staggering disappearance—a number equivalent to the entire population of Singapore (for those in the Southern Hemisphere), or Finland, or Denmark for those to the north.
The experts consulted by uSpiked raised a far more unsettling question: were these six million voters ever real? Biden’s 2020 vote count, hailed at the time as historic, now invites scrutiny. Could it be that Trump, though inarticulate and poorly represented by the farcical figures leading his legal battles, was correct in suspecting foul play?
As we sift through the ashes of the 2024 electoral process, one question looms larger than all others: what happened to those six million voters? Their absence casts a long shadow over the integrity of two consecutive elections. Until this mystery is resolved, the democratic process remains in doubt. While we must further accept the consideration some voters may have died since the November 2020 elections due to COVID-related complications, the six million is still unexplainable. I however cannot prove a negative; as difficult as it may be for me to accept, I am inclined to admit that if the vanished voters cannot be explained properly, then Trump may not be as psychotic as we may have thought after the 2020 elections.
For fear of suffering from apophenia, I call on my readers to present to us any logical explanation for the vanished voters. Were they ghost voters and why wasn’t the same mechanism engaged for Harris? But most importantly, won’t it be of great public interest if we were to know how it was done in 2020 for Biden?